Direct Access External Services
First Contact Physiotherapy - 07436 797891, provided under NHS contract by Catherine Adams Physiotherapy
If you have a new joint or muscle problem, then this service seeks to offer a rapid assessment, diagnosis and initial advice. Exercise advice alone may help you recover fully or a referral to further care may be offered. A formal course of physiotherapy (anticipated waiting time perhaps 6 weeks and then up to 6 sessions) or an advanced physiotherapy assessment and diagnostic service (longer waits apply) may be suggested.
Your Community Pharmacy Video
Community Urgent Eye Assessment Service - visit your local optician
Under NHS contract, most local opticians can offer rapid assessment appointments for all eye conditions. If an onward specialist referral is needed, this can also be arranged without needing input from the practice. Sometimes, eye conditions may relate to wider health issues and in these circumstances, an assessment by the practice may be encouraged.
"Social Prescribing" Experts that can connect you to all sorts of help! Call 0300 303 5291
This service is suitable for any patient whose health and wellbeing is being impacted by practical or social issues such as: Benefits and Money, Employment and Education, Unemployment, Loneliness and Isolation, Family, Housing. 6 to 10 sessions of 1 to 1 help can be offered as required and tailored to individual circumstances and needs. Onward referrals to suitable services following discussion may also be suggested.
Reading Well Project - visit the local library, conveniently located on the other side of our car park
The library has a range of literature that has been assessed as providing appropriate medical guidance. Previously known as "Books on Prescription." These are some invaluable resources and can be particularly helpful around child and adult mental health and wellbeing concerns. Learning more about any long-term conditions of your own or a relative may also be helpful to you. Just ask a librarian if help is needed locating resources.
Worcestershire Healthy Minds - Home | Healthy Minds ( or telephone 0300 013 5727
All the NHS Talking Treatments such as counselling are accessed through the Healthy Minds service and self-referral is the usual method to get help.
Seeking assessment for an ADHD or Autism diagnosis
Parents and teachers know children (under 18 years of age) best therefore referrals are arranged directly by schools and parents. GPs are not involved in these particular referrals these days.
The referral page for consideration of an ADHD diagnosis for children in Worcestershire is linked here.
It is not possible for GPs to give a diagnosis of ADHD or to continue medication for treating ADHD without ongoing specialist oversight. This means that if a private specialist is used for diagnosis, then ongoing private care will be needed in order for medication to be utilised.
Information regarding a referral to the "Umbrella Pathway" to assess for Autism in a child is linked here.
School special educational needs teams are generally the most likely successful referrers to the Umbrella Pathway. It is unusual for GPs to have sufficient information available in order to have a referral accepted. For this reason we strongly advise discussing these referrals with school and regret that we are unable to influence the long waits which are often experienced for the Umbrella Pathway.
A screening questionnaire used within the NHS regarding ADHD in adults can be found here.
Unfortunately interest amongst adults in seeking a diagnosis of ADHD has grown so quickly that it has not been possible for NHS or even private organisations (who sometimes contract to the NHS) to keep up with demand for appropriate assessments. It is recommended that those interested in referrals look at websites of private contractors to the NHS to see if they are currently accepting any new referrals. At present there is no open NHS referral route available otherwise.
A screening questionnaire used within the NHS regarding Autism in adults can be found here.
If you contact the practice for an appointment and submit your AQ-10 questionnaire to us in advance then we should be able to discuss making a referral to our local provider for the NHS which is "The Family Psychologist" organisation.
GET THERE brings together information for young people aged 16 to 25 on careers and training, relationships, money, health and wellbeing, housing and GET SAFE. It's a great place to find resources to help young people plan their next steps.
Click here to find out more information. GET THERE
Worcestershire Care Directory - Worcestershire Care Services Directory | Publications | Care Choices
Understanding how the care system works to support you or your relatives can be very confusing. This localised guide offers a combination of information pages about matters such as social services funding threshold assessments and also advertisements for local care providers - whether that is home care agencies or residential facilities. Using this guide families are often able to work out directly whether they will be "self-funding" and then make rapid progress in exploring care options with a variety of providers so that a personal choice can be made of the preferred service.
Self referral - starting with hearing aids
Access to some services is being arranged so that patients can refer themselves without the need for an appointment.
At present, this includes to be considered for hearing aid fitting (over 50's) and in the future, is due to include foot services (Podiatry) and others.
Please use this link to begin your referral.